The Musicians

Fred Richardson

Mark Yannie

From a large musical family of professional musicians and music educators, Fred was already trying out different instruments by age 5. By high school he settled on clarinet, and after playing in the pit for Hello Dolly realized he should be playing Dixieland. He formed a band with some friends and the rest is history: local bands, traveling shows, jazz festivals, the Delta Queen Steamboat out of New Orleans; recordings with The Tangletown Ramblers, Mouldy Figs, Emperors of Jazz, Fred Richardson Trio, and The Barbary Coast … Fred is “Mr. Dixieland."

Don Lehnhoff


In 1958 there weren't trombones in rock 'n' roll, so Don learned to play Dixieland. From Baltimore, Maryland, Don studied music education at Peabody and jazz with Hank Levy at Towson. Work includes combo, big band, and studio; backing national acts—Temptations, Stevie Wonder, Drifters, a national tour with Mitch Ryder—and a 2-year hitch with the 440th Army Band at Ft. Bragg, NC.

Phil Holm

Trumpet Phil Holm

Born and raised in Minnesota, Phil took up the trumpet at age 10 and played his first professional gig with a Dixieland band at age 15. He earned a B. A. in Music Education from the University of Minnesota and has been an educator for more than 40 years. At the same time Phil has performed with a national musical tour, national artists like the Temptations, and some of the most recognized musicians in town, from Mick Sterling & the Stud Brothers, to the Wolverines and the Casablanca Orchestra. Phil lives in Edina.


Dbbie Schreyer

Sometimes we include a banjo in our performance ... sometimes not. This somewhat controversial instrument has a place in many styles of music, one being the riverboat style of Dixieland. The acknowledged keepers of the flame of the New Orleans school of vintage jazz, the Preservation Hall Musical Collective, does not list a banjo player among the 60 current members of the Collective.

Chuck Wazanowski

Chuck Wazanowski bio pic

Chuck grew up in Goshen, CT and took up the tuba in 8th grade. High school and state honors led to a full scholarship to Fredonia State University of NY where he began his professional career. Versatile and accomplished, Chuck has performed with many ensembles recognized nationally and internationally – the New York State Orchestra, New York City Opera, Goldman Band, and soloist with the English style brass band—Gramercy Brass. In jazz, Chuck toured the world for years with Lionel Hampton’s All Stars Big Band. He lives in Minneapolis.

Ben Link


The trombone has been playing Ben since the fourth grade and he falls for it every time. After studying at Indiana University and McNally Smith College of Music, he spent five years on the road with Davina and the Vagabonds touring the U.S. and Europe. He is a member of Malamanya, a 9-piece salsa band, and freelances in the Twin Cities playing jazz, salsa, avant garde, and commercial music.